• (410) 626-1900

  • 251 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401

Breaking Cycles, Building Futures

The Turnaround Thursday Movement is a comprehensive program service that provides resources and support to individuals looking to improve their employability, develop job skills, and secure sustainable employment. So why wait? Get started on your journey towards personal and professional growth today!

Higher Purpose

Your misery is your ministry; your pain is your purpose; your suffering is your service; your mess becomes your message; your test becomes your testimony. God allows us to hurt to heal others because you cannot heal what you cannot feel. So, don’t let the pain of your past punish your present and paralyze your progress and purpose.

The Show

“The Show” will be featured every Thursday, with the opportunity for an orientation and essential skills training. The goal is to offer each participant a life-changing experience, tools to provide community leadership, and employment opportunities with a livable wage. The services include Essential Skills Training, Case Management, Job Development, and Employment Opportunities.

Topics, Additional Services & Essential Skills Training

Discover the Power of Progress: Explore Turnaround Thursday Topics, Additional Services, and Essential Skills Training at AACCAA’s Turnaround Thursday Movement.

Turnaround Thursday Topics

Additional Services

Essential Skills Training

Creating Positive Change

A Second Chance Job Movement

The movement is designed to strengthen the workforce, develop community leaders, and reduce poverty while focusing on family. The show will be held every Thursday at Asbury United Methodist Church, 87 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401, at 9:00 AM.

Our Approach

Many returning citizens who exit the correctional system face challenges, including a lack of education and employment skills, antisocial attitudes and values, mental health and substance abuse issues, medical problems, lack of housing, and family concerns. Community Action of Anne Arundel County has a history of helping address these issues and assisting citizens in becoming productive members of society.

Career Pathway Program

The Community Action Agency utilizes a recognized certification and Career Pathway Program, focusing on in-demand occupation sectors for men and women involved in the adult justice system. Agency staff also develops a care plan for each participant based on assessing criminogenic risks, needs, and workforce readiness. The program aims to guide participants into sustained employment while promoting community safety by reducing recidivism and serving adults exiting the correctional system who reside in various communities within Anne Arundel County.

Program Eligibility

Turnaround Thursday Movement requires participants to follow the Program Eligibility to apply for the program. To learn more about our program, please click below.

Contact Us

Don’t hesitate to contact our executive director today to learn more about the Turnaround Thursday Movement and see if you are eligible for our program. Click below to contact our staff team. We look forward to hearing from you.

Turnaround Thursday Program Eligibility

Selective Service and Veterans' Priority

Additional requirements include Selective Service and Veterans’ Priority. Male participants must register for Selective Service before participating in services. Community Action Agency has a written policy to enforce this requirement. Community Action Agency will comply with the Jobs for Veterans Act (Public Law 107-288), requiring grantees to provide priority service for veterans and spouses of certain veterans for the receipt of employment, training, and job training placement.